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Our company became a secondary response unit for elevator emergency rescues in Guangzhou City

PubDate : 2019-09-17 Author : Sources : Views : 3296

  As approved by the People's Government of Guangzhou, Guangzhou Bureau of Quality and Technology Supervision set up an Elevator Safety Operation Monitoring Center of Guangzhou, and took the lead to put "96333" elevator emergency special number into operation in the province. On receiving a "96333" elevator trapping alarm, the monitoring center will quickly launch the primary response to command the maintenance and repair body of the trapped elevator to implement fast primary response rescue; if the primary response is not successfully launched, the monitoring center will launch the secondary response to send a rescue station nearest to the trapped elevator according to the principle of proximity. If the secondary response is not successfully launched, the monitoring center will launch the tertiary response for coordinated rescue with the 119 fire control sector. 

  Guangzhou Bureau of Quality and Technology Supervision has selected elevator maintenance and repair enterprise with large scale and comprehensive strength as the main force of the elevator emergency rescue stations, and we have become the first batch of secondary response units for elevator emergency rescue in Guangzhou, to respond to the instructions of Elevator Safety Operation Monitoring Center of Guangzhou and be specifically responsible for the secondary response of elevator emergency rescue in Huadu District of Guangzhou. At present, we have set up an elevator maintenance and repair service station in Xinhua Township, Huadu District. Also, we have designated a number of technicians skilled and experienced in maintenance and repair, and put a 24-hour duty number into operation. The maintenance and repair service station not only carries our normal elevator maintenance and repair tasks in the region, but also undertakes the elevator emergency rescue missions in the neighborhood.


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